Julien Update- Day 5 (9/28/2018)

Hello friends!

We spent the day at the apartment so that Julien can rest and lay “flat.” Since the stem cells were injected into the spine like an epidural (and they are thick in consistency), they like for the patient to lay flat as often as possible for 2 days post-procedure. Try telling that to our 11 week old who wants to wiggle around and bob his head around….LOL. They said we should rotate his positions like a rotisserie chicken by placing him on his back, then tummy, then each of his sides:) I can’t say that has been an easy process but it certainly has been an entertaining one. It would probably be easier if our child decided to actually SLEEP at some point today. I think the stem cells have created a bionic baby— he slept well last night and has been up. ALL. DAY. LONG. He has been very alert smiling and looking all around. Good thing he’s super cute.

The doctor stopped by the apartment today to check on Julien. He had a very low grade fever overnight (which was to be expected) but he is doing well besides that. He had little patches with pain relieving gel on his shins covering the tibia on both legs where they extracted the stem cells and he decided to kick those off last night along with the socks I put on his cold feet. This little guy is physically very strong and clearly he has a very strong “will” as well. It’s ironic that his mama has a Chinese tattoo going down her back that translates to “strong will / will-power.”

Lastly, Ken and I are so happy that the procedure is finished and today we took a big exhale. We still have to watch him to make sure he doesn’t spike a high fever or vomit but overall, we took a big sigh of relief and decided to splurge on a total junk food day. Yep. A good old fashioned cheat day. Ken went to the store and came back with Starbucks, a pizza, a pan of AMAZING mac & cheese and 1/2 a tray of flan. Don’t judge us. We enjoyed every moment:)

More updates tomorrow…..after we wake up from our carb induced slumber!

Kenneth, Patricia & Julien

One Thought on Julien Update- Day 5 (9/28/2018)
    28 Sep 2018

    That’s so awesome to hear he seems to be doing great! Hope you enjoyed the junk food feast, you guys deserved it!!


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