Julien Update ( 11/10/2018 )

Hi friends!

I have been very busy lately (what else is new, right??). I am growing up so fast….it’s crazy to think that I am only 3.5 months old! I feel like I have lived an entire lifetime already with all that I have done so far (I bet mommy and daddy would agree too!). Recently some family friends recommended that we look into “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” We contacted Bill Schindler who is the director of the Hyperbaric PHP clinic in Buford, Ga and he set up a time for us to talk and for him to meet my parents and I. He was extremely patient and took extra time to make my parents (especially my mommy) feel at ease about this treatment option. You can read more about it on his website: http://hyperbaricphp.com/faq/

Bill told us countless stories of all of the families he has helped with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and it was very inspiring to hear. He has served over 40,000 families and regularly teaches doctors, athletes, parents, etc about the benefits of HBOT for a variety of illnesses and ailments. I felt completely comfortable with him and mommy and daddy did as well. He is truly a kind man who cares DEEPLY about his patients of all ages. This first meet and greet was an informational session and it lasted over 3 hours. Bill spent a lot of time with us and carefully explained everything to ensure that we felt comfortable with it. At the end of this session, we set up a time to come back for all 3 of us to go into a chamber together to experience it.

We drove 40 minutes back up the clinic the very next day…..after all, the sooner I start HBOT, the better the stem cells will work from my recent procedure in Mexico…and that is 1 step closer to me being a SUPER BABY! Stem Cell treatments and HBOT work hand in hand with one another and they are the 2 main treatment options for HIE so why not give both of them a shot? Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has actually been around since ancient times and it has done wonders for children and adults with Autism, MS, Cerebral Palsy, Alzheimer’s/Dementia, Cancer, Strokes, Diabetes, Inflammation issues and sports injuries. We were about to get into the chamber and ……whoops!!!! I pooped. It must have been all the excitement for my first treatment. If you ask my mommy, she’d say that I usually poop on her “watch” while she is holding me. Mommy took me to the bathroom to clean me up and when we came out, we saw Mr. Bill speaking to a man with an Atlanta Falcons jersey on. The next thing I knew, I got fist bumped by this mystery man who introduced himself as “Matt Bryant,” the kicker for the Atlanta Falcons! He was SUPER nice and very interested in my story. He has a sports injury and is using HBOT therapy to heal faster. Mommy, Daddy and I all went into a chamber together and it was a pretty cool experience. I imagine that’s what it feels like to be inside of a space ship:) Mommy was a little nervous about being in it but daddy kept her calm and the staff there is wonderful. Treatments last from 1-2 hours and it only takes a few minutes for the chamber to pressurize. Basically it is the equivalent of sitting at the bottom of an 11 foot swimming pool. It pushes toxins out of the body, reduces inflammation and increases blood flow to the cells and the brain! The baby math makes sense to me….if I lost oxygen to my brain right before I was born, and then I get oxygen back to my “elastic” brain now, it can help me do things in the future like hold a pen, ride a bike, etc. But what do I know…..I can’t even count yet 🙂 Once the chamber was pressurized, we all took a nap. I think it’s the first long nap that my parents have taken since I rocked their world a few months ago. When we were finished, the cabin was depressurized and we emerged like little butterflies out of a cocoon. I will need this treatment on an ongoing basis so it looks like we will all have lots of naps in our futures!

In other news, I only have 1 week left of weaning off the Phenobarbital ! I can’t wait to see what life is life less “sedated !” Mommy and daddy are in for a rude awakening once I’m off this medication and less drowsy (cue evil laugh).

Ciao Friends!


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